Thursday, December 18, 2008

Back On Track

Well folks it looks like it is that time of year again. For those jumping to conclusion types let me just say, no I am not talking about the holidays. It is travel time. I have been back stateside for a few months now. I would love to tell you of all the adventures I have had while being back at home. It is sad to say I have not been doing many adventurous things in my time here. I guess a little perspective is in order.

When I was out practicing minimalist camping with my brother and my wife for Thanksgiving I made a comment to my brother that I felt like an imposter. Like I was not a real backpacker and I was only faking it. He then pointed out that I was in the desert with only a hip pack for supplies and a camelback bladder bag with water to last me for three days. Given that I was sleeping only in an emergency blanket in the pouring rain and cooking on a small alcohol stove this seemed pretty real to him. My brother asked me what my view of a “real” camper would look like and how that differs from what I am doing. I think the difference is the internal component. I have this view that the people I see doing these fun and extreme things have a vast amount of internal knowledge. I often find that I am as well if not better informed than my counterparts. So what would alleviate my faker feelings? The answer my friends, has recently found me. The name for it is “inner game”. I need to believe I am the real thing and then I will be what I believe.

As for any exciting things that have happened in my typing hiatus; to me they do not seem exciting. My inner game is to demanding for that. Little things like commuting 32 miles, each way, by bicycle to work and getting hit by a car, mean little to me. Thankfully now I am back on track with my adventures around the world. I so enjoyed making the videos in Italy of my friends signing, I will be doing the same thing soon in another country. In case you have not yet figured it out I am about to travel again.

I actually have many travels planned for next year. But I will only talk about the ones coming up now. First stop is South Dakota. It is a family thing of course. But after that is Russia, Russia, and more Russia. I will be there for about a month. I work with the Gallaudet University Personal Discovery Program, teaching leadership skills and personal development workshops. We will have some hearing groups and some deaf groups. I am looking forward to documenting the conversations we will have with deaf Russians and how the communication develops. I will take a qualitative approach to my research. My goal here is to identify what makes communication possible between fluent sign language users of different countries. I leave home on December 21. Look for more info around that time.

Dana on the goGoGO!!

1 comment:

Cybie said...

i'm so happy to read some news !

If you return again in paris, we can start again to eat !

How do Heather ? Merry Christmas !

Take care,