Monday, July 28, 2008

Inside the mysteries of the Luxemburg Castle

Wow, there a lot of things to say here because it has been a couple of days since I have been able to post anything. I will break this up into several posts I think to make it easier for you to read. See look at that, always looking out for my faithful readers, All 9 of you. I just installed a something called Google analytics on the blog. It is supposed to track all the hits on the site and give statistics on it. Wish that was around last year when I did the bike trip I think it would have been interesting to know how many people actually read it. As they say where I am going now, C’est La Vie (that’s life).

But wait, you may be saying, I thought you were going to Poland, and that last sentence looks a lot like French. Well there is a story there but unfortunately it is slated to be at the end of my story, not the beginning. The best place to begin is of course the beginning; unless your name is Quentin Tarantino. (That was a reference to his editing style in films to begin someplace in the middle and jump around like a flea on crack)

Let’s start in Luxemburg. Dude, that city is awesome. I originally planned on going there just to relax a bit and really do nothing. It is a small country without a lot of mention in anything. Remember my original reason for going there was that silly learn French CD. Well, what a great surprise that was. By far it has been the best city I have been to. Not that I had the most fun there on the contrary I really did not do much at all. It is just that Luxemburg is the first place that made my insides do a little dance of wowee zowee this place is nifty looking ( I am not a sightseeing kind of person so trust me this is very impressive). The hostel was immaculate, modern looking and just really upbeat. I think this may be due to the lower frequency of travelers they can keep it up better.

As I ventured out into the city it was totally cool. I found I was actually staying inside a castle wall with a moat and everything. I have seen castles and stuff on TV and pictures but they all look so small. This place was HUGE!!!! I am talking several miles inside these walls from one end to the other. They are in the process of excavating the old castle now and I have some video footage of that. Then the town happened to have a medieval festival going on the day I left so I had to visit that of course. I actually bought some leather cords to weave into a necklace. I recorded a message for Sarah K about that feel free to take a look at what I had to say if you so desire.

I met my roommates. One was a bloke from Australia and the other was a dude from Japan. They both spoke English fairly well and we talked a bit but not much. I know this is the first time I spoke of my roommates and it may seem odd at the moment. I only mention this because it has certain significance later on. Keep reading the posts to see why this is important. This is a good place to explain the rooming situation. The rooms I have been staying in are four to eight beds in a room. They are set up as bunk beds in a college dorm room fashion. Generally, you get a cabinet that can hold your pack and be locked in addition to your sleeping space. Some have bathrooms within and some have common bathrooms and showers. Not glamorous but cheap, efficient, and utilitarian.

You may be wondering how I found out about the festival, or you may not but either way I am going to tell you so pay attention. As I was sitting in the lobby of Luxemburg uploading that last video of Brussels (400mb and 6 hours of sitting there babysitting the laptop I hope you appreciate it.) I had just sent a message to a friend complaining that I had not seen a single person using sign language the entire trip. I pressed send on my phone and looked up. Guess what I saw? If you guessed a purple elephant you would be wrong and quite frankly a little odd as well. No silly I saw two Deaf people. Well actually I saw something that looked like sign language. When they looked at me I gestured to them asking if they were deaf. You see I had no idea where they might be from of what sign language they might use. So they signed back in ASL yeah we are deaf are you. Sweet I thought they knew ASL. Turns out they are from Ohio and of course know ASL. They were the people who told me about the festival. See I told you it was worth finding out how I knew about the festival.

Funny aside here… I have not even begun to talk about the items on my list hehe I had no idea how much I had to share with you guys.

I was supposed to meet up with them at the festival but the hostel I was staying at was full and they had to go to another one down the road about 15k (about 10 miles) I was a little disappointed when they did not show up at 11 but I understand why and it is cool with me. The city was so worth it. If ever I come back this city will be one of my “confluence places” (I think only those who have known me for some time will understand that reference I know Heather will. If you would like an explanation then leave a comment asking for it and I will deliver). The city was beautiful and awe inspiring, gets an A+ in my book.

That’s it for Luxemburg I will continue on in the next post here.

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