Monday, August 4, 2008

I fianlly had my camera with me in Biarritz Check these out

I had Lunch here my final day In Biarritz. It was super yummy!!! Cute little outside Cafe as well.

This isa typical street heading down to the beach. Most of the streets here look similar to this in style. but not all roads lead to the beach here. Only the roads i travel on :)

Check out thses things at the beach. Pretty cool you can rent shade there.

This is the artist i was telling you about. I went and talked to him. He says he has been traveling around doing his art for 10 years now. He travels to a beach and builds something. Then he babysits the art for several days and lives off the money he collects. He was a totally cool guy. Smelled a bit, but hey he lives on beaches around the world. He showed me his portfolio and this one here does not do him justice. he does some amazing things. that is him laying down against the wall on the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been meeting some really interesting people...any you say you are "shy". Looks like the weather has been really nice for you over there. Will look forward to talking with you when you get back. Love, mom and dad