Monday, August 11, 2008

In the north of Europe they still use smoke signals

seems internet is a priviledge here that is hard to come by. I have a ton of stuff on my laptop that I cannot seem to get to you all on the interent. as soon as i gt a wifi connection or something I will upload it to the blog here. I am in a small country here called Estonia. Have you heard of it. I have not. after touring it all day on a guided tour there really is not much to the city Tallinn. If you have never been here, i reccomend continuing on with that trend. if you have been here then you know why there is no need to return.

They are fiercly proud of thier language and have passed laws to preseve their language. of course these laws only apply when they are not being occupied by some other country which seems to more the standard here rather than the exception. seems every other decade the country is either sold or concoured by someone else.

Enough of that. I will try to get online with my laptop and post some awesome videos and excellent pictures. Until then I am on a cruise ship for a while and each port of call I will make an attempt to get to a cafe and get my laptop online!!

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